Monday, January 14, 2008


My favorite animal is a dolphin. I like them because they are fun to watch swim and I love the ocean. I also like when the trainers teach them to do different tricks. Different tricks that you can teach a dolphin are to do a flip and tame them so people can ride them in the ocean. They are also known to save peoples lives if they are in danger. With their high pitch voices they are said to be talking to each other. Do you like dolphins? Why or why not? What is your favorite animal? Why? Can they do anything unusual?


Jamie said...

i like dolphins too. When i was in florida they had so many dolphins, when we went on a boat they would come and swim along with the boat it was so cute!

Sarah said...

i like dolphins but they are not my favorite animal. i like dogs because they can live with you unline other animals. they can really do anything unusal but they can be trained to do tricks and toher things like that.

Michelle said...

I like dolphins too but they are not my favorite animal. I would have to say thast my favorite animal is a dog because they are cute an cuddly!

ryan said...

Dolphins are a pretty cool animal. it is cool how they cerp to each other

'cuse426 said...

Dolphins are pretty sweet. My favorite animal is the Lion. He is the king of the jungle and all others fear him.