Thursday, January 10, 2008


Many people think tennis is a very easy sport. But actually it is very difficult. Tennis is a very competitive sport. Meaning that tennis isn't just hitting the ball over the net. There is a a lot of techniques involved. There are many different grips and strokes. Tennis is one of the hardest sports to play. Usually in other sports like soccer, and basketball it is a team that works together. While in tennis it is just you individually playing your own game. To be a great tennis player you have to have the desire to be one. You also have to practice everyday and never give up even if your not winning! Do you like tennis? Do you think it is a difficult sport? Why or why not?


Jamie said...

I play tennis also on the team with you! I like tennis its fun minus a few things. We had a great season this year

Mr. Turton said...

I like tennis for a lot of reasons. One of the biggest it that it can be played by such a wide variety of skill levels and abilities.

Michelle said...

Personally I think that tennis is a hard game. I do not play it though. I think it is a difficult sport because you have to be playing it like your whole life in order to be good at it.

'cuse426 said...

I like tennis too. It is great to play and I like to watch the major tournaments like Wimbledon and the U.S. Open.

jim aka hollywood said...

yea it cool but hard to play. yea I think it is a difficult sport u have to play like half the tennis court. peace out.